Naval Sea Systems Command’s Next Generation SeaPort (SeaPort-NxG)

Contract Number: N0017821D9397

Period of Performance: July 14, 2021 to January 1, 2029

Contract Contact Information

Tabitha Fletcher
Contracts Manager
703.662.2113 (fax)

About Seaport-NxG

Technica is a prime awardee on the Naval Sea Systems Command’s Next Generation SeaPort (SeaPort-NxG) contract. Through this vehicle Technica will provide the Department of the Navy (DON) with qualified personnel, materials, facilities, equipment, test instrumentation, data collection and analysis, hardware and software, and other services that will support the DON in the execution of their overall organizational functions and the specific missions of the individual activities and ordering offices.

Services to Include

Engineering Services

Supporting the application of engineering disciplines to technically support the research and development of new and existing Naval capabilities and systems, technically support development of significant alterations to existing systems, support integration and interface of existing equipment or software into different applications or platforms to support the warfighter, and support evaluation of foreign or non-developmental systems, equipment, and technologies. This category also includes all support required within the area of environmental engineering of U. S. Navy weapon systems and base related infrastructure.

Program Management Services

Applying the business, financial management, and technical disciplines required to support planning, organizing, staffing, controlling, and leading team efforts in managing acquisition programs such that the result places a capable and supportable system in the hands of the warfighter when and where it is needed, and does so at an affordable price. This category represents an integration of a complex system of differing but related functional disciplines that must work together to achieve program goals through development, production, deployment, operations, support, and disposal.