Combined Air Operations Center Experimental (CAOC-X)

Mission Challenge

The U.S. Air Force Air Combat Command needed a capability to rapidly scan large amounts of data throughout the environment when certain predetermined events occurred that changed the baseline or security posture such as configuration changes, firewall changes or unauthorized logon attempts and then report in near real time.

Technica Solution

Technica merged its Big Data Analytics and Cybersecurity capabilities developed through its internal Research & Development Lab initiatives to deliver a zero-cost solution that scanned, reported, and created NIPR and SIPR email alerts for predefined incidents which provided CAOC-X with the desired visibility and situational awareness.

Benefit to CAOC-X

By incorporating Technica’s best-in-class analytic insight and in-depth knowledge of cyber defense, CAOC-X achieved a 3-Year ATO for the AOC WS, improved situational awareness and Cybersecurity, while gaining numerous accolades for an outstanding RMF package across the Weapon System.

“Technica’s approach was the most forward-thinking solution we have seen implemented to date.”

– Colonel William Dayton from ACC A5

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